
Monday, January 28, 2013

Deployment 101

Deployment 101: Whatever obscure, weird, random thing that could go wrong- WILL. Save yourself the added headache and just be ready for it. If you're standing next to your printer/copier and you ask your soldier to please make a copy of his ID for your deployment binder, just grab that ID from him and do it yourself. Fifth deployment and that man still forgot to leave me a photo copy of his ID and guess what! I needed it the week he left to mail off his drivers licensed renewal stuff.  Luckily, he was able to copy it and email it to me within hours of asking for it. But the point is, try not to rely on him/her being able to send you what you need. YOU, as the spouse, need to make sure you're ready for what ever comes your way.

Here is a quick run down of a few things that you are going to want to start a handy dandy deployment binder.

You can request a Deployment Kit from USAA here. Some FRG's will provide this for you. I didn't want to use this big bulky thing, so I used some of the info and put into my binder.

Power of Attorney: You want a General POA for sure. Don't forget a Special POA if you are planning on any major purchases while your soldier is gone.

I had my man get a special POA specifically for taxes and one for anything dealing with the house. We own our home and I just wanted to have it JUST IN CASE something was to happen.

Passport: I still haven't taken the steps to do this, but I do recommend it. If your soldier gets hurt in combat, they are most likely sending him/her to Germany. If you want to be with them, you need your passport!

Customs forms: You know how friends and family are always asking, "Hey get me ________'s address & I'll send them a box!" but when they get to the Post Office many are faced with the challenge of figuring out a customs form. Filling those babies out are second nature to many mil spouses, but not all civi's know what its all about. What I do at the beginning of each deployment is go to the Post Office and grab a handful of forms and fill out the addresses in advance. I try to keep them in both my binder and in my purse. This saves the lovely friend wanting to help out, the headache at the Post Office and its a lot easier on me as well.

Soldier's ID: Copy his/her Military ID front and back as well as their drivers license. You just never know what you will need! {{{Having a copy of military ID is against DOD, do this at your own discretion. We have needed it in the past, but often times you are fine with just having a copy of his/her state ID}}}

Red Cross Info: In case of an emergency, before calling your local Red Cross chapter make sure and have the following information handy: servicemember's rank, address (unit, company and location where he or she is stationed), social security number, and branch of service.

I keep a copy of all this in my binder just in case something was to happen to me.  I have also told a trusted friend where my binder is if she needed to be the one to contact him.

FRG info: I, for one, am not big on the whole FRG thing. I know they are there for a reason and they are a very important part of the military. They are there to help! I recoment keeping the phone tree roster in your binder as well. You may need to contact someone if they have not contacted you about Home Coming information. No one wants to be the spouse not at the dag/hanger/field when your honey gets home. TRUST ME. It almost happened to a friend of mine a few deployments back. Right, Rain.

There you have it. A few tips that have helped me in the past. This is a tried and true method of keeping all info right where you know where it is.

Reminder: You will have sensitive information in here. Keep it in a safe, but convenient place.


  1. It is also a good idea to keep a list of usernames and passwords for any counts you may need to access. A lot of our utilities are in Clay's name and when he is home he pays most of the bills so I keep a list of usernames and passwords tucked away for when he is gone. I also have the password to his email since he gets most bills electronically sent to him. This way we don't miss any bills. I also keep a list of emergency contact numbers and instructions on what I want done with the kids in case something happens to me.

    1. *accounts not counts

    2. Great Tips Andrea! I always keep the MyPay password too! Very important to have.

  2. This is such a good post. While I think I have everything taken care of I sure have never put it all together in one binder (duh!) While he was in Korea and I was still in AL I did have copies or orders and the POA stashed everywhere. You can't do anything without those!

    1. Right! I like to keep at least 3 copies of his orders at all times.

  3. Hi I'm Emily! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog!


  4. Hi! Where did you request this? I went to the website and all I could find is a PDF "Deployment Guide".
    Thank you!

    1. Our FRG actually handed these out. I can email the FRG leader and ask or if you just call USAA, I'm sure they can send you one. USAA's customer service is top notch!

    2. Okay, thank you so much!
      I appreciate it entirely. (:

  5. I want to thank all of you for this very helpful information. I am just starting out on this military wife journey and any little tips or advise is greatly appreciated. I have most of this stuff but also have not thought to place it in one binder.

    Thank you

  6. My husband and I are about to go through our 1st deployment [he has been on 3 deployments previous to us being together]. I am SO nervous and keep going through my mind about everything I want/need to have on hand. This guide was definitely helpful. Here's hoping this deployment goes quickly! Thank you!

    - Deb P.

  7. Brilliant I would have never thought to keep it all in one place granted after this one and only having a weeks notice it would have been helpful.
    Thank you

  8. Awesome ideas!! Just please be careful and maybe lock up the copy of his military ID if you feel you have to have it, it is against DOD regulation to make a copy of a military ID, I wouldn't want anyone to get in trouble, trust me it's not what anyone needs on a deployment. I would see if a copy of his driver's license would be enough for a photo ID and again ask about what you can and cannot give out, please don't give out a copy of his orders lock this up too, there is sensitive information in that as well as far as troop movement, dates, and locations. I don't mean to sound like a downer, I'm active duty as well and just want to make sure everyone is taken care of and no one gets in trouble!! Awesome ideas though, you should have a seminar for the wives on base!

  9. I would have loved to just gotten a binder like this premade (instead of squeezy star, water bottle, tote bag, etc). heehe. This is really something needed! I pulled together your idea w/some others on the web & made my binder.
    THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for sharing your binder! It inspired me!

    1. You're so welcome, Jinny! I'm glad this was helpful to you. Ya know, I can't believe that it took ma so many deployments to finally think of turning all my "deployment file's" into a binder. Its so much easier to find what you need and not lose anything. Plus its far easier to travel with.

  10. In mine I have: a copy of his orders for deployment and his previous order sending him to our current post, a certified copy of his birth certificate, a copy of his DL and SS card, a copy of our lease, a copy of the car titles, a copy of the car tag receipts, a copy of the car insurance cards, a certified copy of our marriage license, a certified copy of mine and the children's' birth certificates, passports, and a few other random things I thought I might need at some point. I have used pretty much everything in the binder at least once already.


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