Sunday, May 1, 2011

Georgia Peach

Georgia is my home.
I am not a 'native' to the area, but this is where I have spent the last nine years of my life, the only place I have lived as an adult, and the place where I started my family.

 My hubs and I may be Missourians;
our kiddos are straight up Georgians. 
Moving here when I was so young & naive (though I thought I was old enough to take on the world) I was forced to break out of my shell. Thank you hubs for being there and supporting me through every hair brain scheme, crazy friend drama, and allowing me to evolve into the girl I am today- ever changing.

In honor of these moments I am getting a peach tattooed on me before we move. You can think its corny, thats ok -- to each their own. I am considering a foot tattoo for this one.
I'm also looking for adorable peach images.
Ultimately, I am going to have the artist put his own spin on it, but I still have to come up with the basic idea to take with me. 
Here are a few peach images I like:

Just a simple outline. Cute, right?

This one is sweet. I like the obvious heart shape.

Ooo I could even do something like this for both my Georgia peach babies:
{If You Have Any Suggestions, 
Please Feel Free To Share}


  1. me too. its so soft and feminine too.

  2. I'm partial to the heart one..I like the soft look to it...I think it's a sweet idea!! the foot does hurt........a so worth the pain


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