Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Whoa! Where did the time go?
My baby boy. He is now EIGHT. WOW. 
It feels like it was only yesterday that I went for a normal baby o.b. appointment. I had just began to start talking to the doctor about what our plan was going to be if I went past me due date. To my surprise, he called a nurse in & told me "we wont need to worry about that." What?! The nurse enters with a wheelchair to take me up to labor and delivery.
Turns out that our little 'fiery one' was going to make his debut that day!
Fast-forward to major back labor then an emergency c-section and bam. Here he is.
A blue eyed, red haired, button nose, prince charming. 


So there you have it. My Aidan. My heart. 
and just a little tidbit- 
In 2004 the name Aidan name was #43 on the most popular list, not #1. We had no idea his name, and several variations of it, would reach such popularity immediately after naming him. 

So that brings me to -Birthday Traditions-

In our house, if its your birthday you are greeted with singing, chocolate chip pancakes and a candle to blow out. Side Note: if your pancakes are still mostly hot, thin candles like these tend to melt and not stand up. 

Next weekend is the party. Gosh, I love parties. I'll be honest tho, I'm just not feelin' it this year. Oh well. We are hosting a pool party birthday party this go around. Complete with tons of pool activities and a hotdog bar.Should be a good time & I know I will have camera in hand most of the time, so be sure to come back next week to see the Pool Party post!

I'm interested to know what, if any, traditions you do for your kiddos on their birthdays?!

1 comment:

  1. Cannot believe he's EIGHT!!? I remember 3 year old Aidan :) Sorry I didn't call yesterday. We were in Atlanta ALL DAY. The kids can do FaceTime again this week :)

    Happy Birthday Aidan!!


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