Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pool Party Essentials

Pool Party With a Splash of Awesome

o   Veggies

o   Fruit

o   Hotdog Bar with all the trimming

o   Hydration – Lime Water

o   Lemonade (+ Vodka for the adults!)

o   Sun Block! Sun Block! Sun Block!

o   Pool Party Playlist

o   Ice cream

o   Games

o   Friends

o   Did I mention the Vodka?

o   Pool Noodles

o   Extra Floating Things


I learned, by way of Pinterest, that if you put a package of hotdogs in a slow cooker on low and without adding water, they plump up like gas station hotdogs! This was music to this less than classy girls ear! PERFECT! What kid doesn’t like a hotdog? … so it turns out my friends kid doesn't… but I had cheese sticks on hand, so all was well with the world.

Cup Saver Tip: Sharpies
Write some names on the cups a head of time and leave a sharpie near by to help eliminate unnecessary disposing of half drank drinks.
I stashed extra cups, napkins, plates, etc. in a picnic basket near by. Handy and tidy :)

 Gosh, I love me some Mason Jars

Preview of the sunroom makeover!
 Minty green looks tropical and reminds me of Tybee Island.


To dress up the dogs we had:

o   Chili

o   Pickles

o   Relish

o   Jalapeños

o   Cheese

o   Ketchup

o   Mustard

o   Mayo

o   Onions

With a freshly painted sunroom (more on diy hell coming soon,) friends, a birthday boy, and music, I’d have to say that the day turned out better than expected. I had completely anticipated chaos, but the kids were pretty chill.  


  1. i don't have a pool or a backyard, and it's been raining ridiculous, but this has inspired me to throw an indoor picnic! thanks for sharing!

    1. Indoor picnics are So Much Fun!! :)


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