Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Trying my hand at something new

It was time for a change. 

Usually, when I get the itch for change, I'd go right to my closet and start purging old clothes then hit the thrift stores and/or the mall. - Too close to Christmas, no time to spend money on me.

Over the summer, when I wanted change, I took a trip to the salon with my sisters and did something slightly different with my hair. Really, I wanted to go much more drastic with the hair, but I apparently do not know how to convey what I want to hair dressers. - This happens to me every time. 
Every. Time.

By default, it's time for the b-log to get a DIY update. 
First I was like... doodle, sketch, doodle.

Then I was like... Nailed it.
And now I'm like.... not bad, but now I need new Buttons! BUUUTTTTONSSSS

and speaking of buttons- I emailed all you lovely sponsors, but if you didn't read it:
By the end of the week, ALL ads will be removed and added only with PassionFruit. It's all part of the revamp of the b-log.

 <<<<For the small ad space 
use promo code: swap-o-rama 
for a free ad space>>>>


  1. Replies
    1. thank you, thank you!! I'm still trying to figure it all out!

  2. It looks awesome! I am so not computer savvy lol. I wish I could do that!

  3. Love the new look & the fact you did it all yourself. Go, you!

    1. Thanks Miss Lin :) Gotta love free online programs!

  4. Hi! I just found you through Arrow In The Eye and had to jump over and meet a fellow gypsy. Newest follower! Great design too!


    1. Right on! Gotta love Arrow In The Eye! :)

  5. You made that header yourself?! It's pretty awesome! I'm nowhere near that level of design ability yet...I stick with the safe part of blogging, the writing part! ;P

  6. Awesome doodling talent there girl! If I tried something freehand like that, it would look like my neightbour's 2 year old made it.

  7. so cool! would you like to follow each other in gfc? let me know!

  8. I'm trying to do a blog re-vamp too but i am soooo rubbish at it. about to re-do my buttons any day now. yay (not)
    I am hosting a blog hop over at my blog today

  9. I have the same problem when I go to get my hair done. It's enough of an issue that I've stopped going. Maybe I just need to find a better stylist :-)

    1. We need to write a book (or blog post) about this! This is actually much more common than stylists would like to believe and it drives me CRAZY!
      I go with a picture, and I know good & well that my hair may not do what the pictures does, but good lord at least try to follow my lead! sheesh!!!!!!!!

  10. Hey! I have no idea why I've never come around your blog before, I mean we have a ton of blog friends in common & now we are co-hosting the blogger book swap, so point being I am here now! Love your design. So cool that you did it yourself! I'd love to do an ad swap with you, whenever you have some free space that opens up :)

    1. I've actually meant to go to you blog tons of times. I'm such a slacker...Jess can vouch for that... but I'm glad you're here now and that we are co-hosting the book swap together! (and I'm headed to your blog NOW!!)


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