Monday, December 5, 2011

time to be happy

I came across it last night via Facebook.    I watched it. I cried. I cried some more. I imagined him being my child. Now I cannot stop thinking about this young man and his parents.

What would you do if your child was being bullied in school? Do you allow him or her to  change schools or even begin to home school? By picking one of those options, are you teaching your child to run away from their problems?

I'm at a loss. My heart still hurts for him.
"To all my friends and supporters,
I made this video 4 months ago just before school was about to start. I was 13. It was a very emotionally dark time in my life. I made the video at 4:00am in the morning; I hadn't been sleeping at night for a long time, too many things going on in my head. I was dreading going back to school and I had not come out to my family yet. Only my closest friends knew. I didn't know how to say what I needed to say. All I could think about were all the bad things that had been happening at school last year, every year for that matter. I just couldn't bare to go through that anymore. I was done being fake happy, pretending hateful words didn't hurt, done hiding it from my family.
So this video was made for my friends that had moved on to High School who were worried for me, to say to them that I was going to take a stand, and to the haters at my middle school that I'm not going anywhere. I am who I am. I posted the video here and told people were to find it. That was it.
My friends were moved by the video and thought I did something important. I was encouraged to upload it to my Facebook page so more people could see it. Maybe it could help someone else going through the same thing. So I linked it Dec. 1st. My Parents saw it for the first time Dec, 2nd.
Then..... all this happened.
I never expected in a million years that it would have such a wonderful impact on so many people. I am truly humbled and truly thankful for all the love, encouragement and support from people all over the world. It's been incredibly overwhelming. I don't know what to say. Thank you so, so much!
Lastly, yes you have seen me happy in a couple short videos replies I posted; I would think that would be a good thing , and yes I do have friends, my High School friends, and I have made friends because when I came out they realized that they had hurt me and that they fealt sorry. The video is real, and true.
In the last few months everything eventually came out in the open, I felt a huge weight off my shoulders; I'm happy, I'm excepted for who I am, I'm more confident and feel stronger every day.
Thank you all, Love and peace to all who are hurting.
Jonah Mowry"


  1. UGH. That made my heart hurt. The mom in me just wanted to hug him. That's a great video. Thanks for sharing.

  2. i really didn't want to watch that. i knew i would blubbber.
    so much harder to watch as a mother now.

    it does make me glad that we have new mediums of communication. young people have an avenue for their voice in a way they didn't just 10-20 yrs ago.


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