Monday, March 12, 2012

Hey Monday, Bring It On!

Hello Spring Break! 

To start the morning off, its time for some tunes.  
This one is only because the hubs had it on this weekend and its fresh in my mind. I apologize in advance. This is his twisted style. This is a "love song" he has dedicated to me on numerous occasions. I dig it because I dig him, but it is a tad twisted. You've been warned :)

Enjoy your mundane Monday!!

Say Anything- A Walk Through Hell



  1. what an odd little ditty! lol

  2. I like it...alot! Must go with the name "Ballistic"! I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award Becky! Pop over and see... xo wendy
    (eek...posting in a couple a little sidetracked listening to music! Haha!)

  3. Love it! Catchy tune :-)

  4. Definitely catchy! Thanks for sharing.
    I love your blog, by the way! The design and the header are adorable. :)

    xo, Samantha


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