Monday, March 19, 2012

Oh Monday...

We had such an amazing Spring Break that I did not want to see it end. Redd has already left for school & the Mr off to work, but I'm still kinda in denial. I want them back. I want to go out and explore more and have more fun making memories together. 
I feel like yesterday was robbed from us. 
It was gross. I am still coughing. I now have hours worth of cleanup to do today because of it.
Ever hear of a HABOOB? yea, me either until I moved to the Southwest.
Basically its a disgusting sandstorm type thingy. 

Top photo was taken this morning after the sand settled. 
Bottom one is from most of yesterday.
No joke. - El Paso, you are killing me.
So this manic Monday music song choice is... drum roll please.....

El Paso by Marty Robings
"Wild as the West Texas wind." <--- truth


  1. I understand your thoughts about the break ending. My husband just went to work today after us spending FOUR months together 24 hours a day. It's lonely, but it does feel nice to have all day to clean, cook, and walk by the river. Enjoy some time for yourself :)

  2. that's great that you guys had such a wonderful break, making such good memories.
    never heard of a haboob, heehee, but have of such sandstorms. so does it get in everywhere, indoors? what a nuisance.

    1. It Does! The whole house smells like sand. And yesterday, before knowing about the sand storm, I had 3 windows open while we left for a couple hours *face palm* came home to an awful sandy mess. I'm washing all linens today... yuck-o.

  3. Ah, that crazy Texas weather! It's insane how the mountains are blocked out by the sand. I hate sand.

    1. Its so gross man. Now I know why my hubs started hating sand. I get it now. What a cruel joke the Army played on him. Here got to Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Afghanistan and since you have not inhaled enough sand, lets send you to El Paso to live.


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