Audio Books & I have a love hate relationship. Some are fantastic. Some completely suck.
Its summer time, which for us means that it is also travel time! I often use the time spent in route to a new destination as a chance to catch up on a little light 'reading' if you will. Well, less reading and more popping in the ear buds and drowning out the 52000 questions my kids ask per hour.
In less than two weeks the minions and I are off to St. Louis, then out to rural Missouri for two weeks. During the flight I am excited to listen to the one and only, The Bloggess herself, Jenny Lawson- reading her new memoir Let's Pretend This Never Happened.
I am totally stoked about listening to this and surely laughing my ass off most of the flight! Ah, inappropriate humor just warms my heart all up like a gooey marshmallow.
In the past, I have listened to The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Eat Pray Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert, American on Purpose: The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot by Craig Ferguson and all of The Hunger Games.
The Hunger Games were after I read the books & told my hubs to check them out. He rarely has time to sit and read anything so he just puts it on his iPod and goes on about his day listening to them while working in his office. He just loves audio books & seems to not care if others in the car have indeed already read the books.
Next on his list is A Song of Fire and Ice by R.R. Martin (The Game of Thrones)
My absolute favorite thus far has to be American on Purpose! How can you not adore Craig Ferguson and his cute Scottish accent?! So funny, so honest, so real. His honesty is both hilarious and saddening.
My least favorite has been Eat Pray Love. This could be because of the incredibly long boring car ride then topping it off with an incredibly whinny self indulged story that really wasn't all that great, entertaining, or enlightening. It kinda just sucked. Please don't hate me for saying that.

Ohh! I so want to read Let's Pretend this Never Happened!
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised Eat, Pray, Love sucked but as you said it may have been the circumstances surrounding it as well. Although I have yet to read the book so I can not judge. *whispers* I watched the movie! Ack!!
The audio book ruined it for me. I never had any desire to watch the movie :-/
DeleteI agree with you on Eat Pray Love. Don't take a free ride to exotic destinations and then whine and complain about how your cougar fling didn't work out for you. LOL I don't have a filter this week apparently.
ReplyDeleteI still need to read/listen to CraigyFerg. I'm currently listening to Tina Fey and it's pretty hilarious.
Glad to see you back at the book chat this week. :)
CraigyFerg is the BEST and I can only imagine how awesome Tina Fey is. I need to pick up her book.
DeleteI'll be in St. Louis next week end. I grew up there and love to go back every now and then. Depending on the age of the minions, you might want to visit The Children's Museum in Kirkwood and the Children's/City Museum downtown, check out a Cardinals game, of course there's Six Flags, or visit the arch. Get a great Italian meal on the hill, if you like that sort of food. If you had more time before leaving, I'd say definitely go to Grant's Farm. Although admission is free (or was the last time I went), you have to make advanced reservations and it fills up fast. Give it a try, but I bet it's already booked.
Thanks Joyce. My husbands family are all in St. Louis and mine is from further out in the country. We've taken the kids to Grants Farm already & a few of the museums. We want to take them to a Cards or Blues game, just haven't yet. And the Arch is on the list of things to take them to as well! :)