Thursday, February 2, 2012

Oh Boy.

In case you ever wondered what 18 eggs look like after an eager 7 year old boy helped put groceries away...

After a scavenger hunt around the house to find the missing eggs, it hit me. THE DEEP FREEZE. Sure enough, there they were, busting out of their shells. . .

Never a dull moment!


  1. oh my gosh that's so funny, from another mom point of view :D Gotta love our little helpers!

  2. oops. lol
    what actually happens to raw frozen eggs? can they be unfrozen??

  3. What I find more amusing is that you buy 18 eggs! LOL You should just have a chicken at that point. lol

    1. That boy eats hard boiled eggs for his after school snack and him & I eat them in our salads... yes, Redd eats salads now. I know, I'm impressed too.


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