Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Love you like a box of kittens


Maxwell Poirier via pinterest
((Fricken Awesome Movie)) 
I've been thinking an awful lot about the upcoming deployment recently.  It's hard not to when its so close. He will absolutely be gone before Christmas; this we know for sure. We have also heard that he is on ADVON  so if this is true, not only will he miss Christmas, but Thanksgiving as well. 

I hate to think of another year of holidays without him. 

As I was sitting in the pickup line outside the kids school yesterday, I was poking around his ugly old truck when I noticed that he STILL has my blue ribbon from our wedding day attached to his sun visor and  an old ankle bracelet of mine on his 4WD shifter thingy. I'm not going to lie, I teared up a bit. 

These things have been in his truck for 10+ years! Seriously. This man is either sentimental or lazy.  


  1. Knowing you and him, im gonna say sentimental. <3

    1. lol yea.. probably so. He's a big softy :)

  2. I can only imagine how tough that must be...but that's so awesome that he really loves and is into the small things :)

    1. it is what it is. deployments suck, but you just deal with it. they are probably why we learn to appreciate all the small things so much.

  3. Aw, it's terrible that he'll be gone for the holidays. I hate that my brother is leaving but it seems he'll be here for the holidays, unless they change his leave date. I wish he could be with you guys, though.
    I'm going to say sentimental, which is crazy adorable!

    1. Isn't it! I love it... and him <3

      I'm so glad your brother will be her for the holidays! Are you guys planning any big trips during block leave before deployment?

  4. That is so sweet! Once when I was in ultra cleaning mode I found two letters inside my husbands nightstand that I wrote him a LONG time ago and movie ticket stubs from when we were dating. Men seem really tough but deep down they're all softies =) I hope the deployment goes by super duper quickly!

  5. Definitely swoon worthy. Hopefully someone got lucky last night ;-)

    OMG,I can't believe I'm being so inappropriate here. Lol.

    1. bahaha its official, you are one of my favorites!


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