Thursday, August 16, 2012

Coming soon to a blog near you...

Y'all I am SO excited to get this update! Not only will my first ever product review (on the blog) be here soon, I also have three other products waiting to be shipped. Would you think less of me if I squealed?! Ok, Ok, I'll try to control my excitement...

First up- Foundation and Pressed Powder from Covergirl & Olay
Second- Unreal™ Candy... ever heard of this? Get Unjunked ring a bell? Well, I am ecstatic about this one since I have an insatiable sweet tooth. They think it tastes better without the corn syrup, the artificial ingredients, and the partially hydrogenated oils.  Not to mention less sugar. I cant wait to try it out and calm my sugar crave in a healthier way.
Third up to bat- Dentyne Split2Fit. I dont know bout yall, but I always have gum in my car & in my bag. Always. So getting to try some new stuff out for free is a beautiful thing. 
Fourth- NERF FireVision Sports. I have a little boy here who will be overjoyed to give this baby a whirl!                                                                                                                                              

Do you have a product you would like reviewed?
Interested in sponsoring a giveaway?
Email me at ballisticgypsy {at} gmail {dot} com


  1. Aahhh I just signed up! I hope something comes to me. Totally jealous of the Unreal Candy. Totally my thing. I cant wait to read all about it!

    1. Um, YAY! Megan!!
      Fill out all the surveys and keep checking in once a week and filling out more surveys. It took a couple months before I was emailed about a campaign offer. Then there were four before I knew it! :)


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